About the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System
The Trans Alaska Pipeline System, called "The Pipeline" by Alaskans, is one of the greatest engineering projects of the world.
In 1968, oil was discovered on the North Slope of Alaska. The only way to carry this oil from the North Slope of Alaska was by a pipeline over land. In the 1970s the 800 mile-long Pipeline was constructed to move oil from Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean (start point) to the port of Valdez (end point). Valdez is the northernmost ice-free port in North America.
The Pipeline
  • is 800 miles long.
  • uses pipes with a 48 inch diameter.
  • construction started in 1975 and completed in 1977.
  • cost $8 billion in 1977 to build.
  • crosses three mountain ranges and over 800 rivers and streams.
  • accounts for roughly 20 percent of US oil production annually.
Map showing the location of the Trans-Alaska pipeline