- Stracher, G.B., Prakash, A., and Rein, G. (Eds.), 2015, Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 4, Peat – Geology, combustion, and case studies, Elsevier, 174 p., ISBN: 978-0444595102.
- Stracher, G.B., Prakash, A. and Sokol, E.V. (Eds.), 2014, Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 3, Case studies, Elsevier, 816 p., ISBN: 978-0444595096.
- Stracher, G.B., Prakash, A. and Sokol, E.V. (Eds.), 2013, Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 2, Photos and Multimedia Tour, Elsevier, 546 p., ISBN-13: 978-0-444-59412-9.
- Stracher, G.B., Prakash, A. and Sokol, E.V. (Eds.), 2011, Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 1, Coal- combustion and geology, Elsevier, 335 p., ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52858-2.
- Janssen, L.L.F., Huurneman, G.C., Bakker, W.H., Janssen, L.L.F., Reeves, C.V., Gorte, B.G.H., Pohl, C., Weir, M.J.C., Horn, J.A., Prakash, A.,
Woldai, T., 2004, Principles of remote sensing: an introductory textbook: translated into Korean. ITC Educational Textbook Series, 180 p. ISBN: 89-953256-3-1.
- Rosema, A., Guan, H., van Genderen, J., Veld, H., Vekerdy, Z., ten Katen, A.M., Prakash, A., and Sharif, M., 1999, Manual of Coal Fire Detection and Monitoring, NITG 99-221-C, ISBN 90-6743-640-2, 245 p.
- Prakash, A., 1996, Remote sensing - GIS based geoenvironmental studies in Jharia Coalfield, India, with special reference of coalmine fires. Ph.D.
Thesis, Department of Earth Sciences, UOR, Roorkee, India, 194 p.
2021 to current
- Falke, J.A., Clawson, C.M., Bailey, L., Rose, J., Prakash, A., and Martin, A., 2021, A remote sensing and occupancy estimation approach to quantify spawning habitat use by fall chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) along the Chandalar River, Alaska, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, in preparation.
- Cristóbal, J., Graham, P., Prakash, A., Buchhorn, M., Gens, R., Guldager, N., and Bertram, M., 2021, Airborne hyperspectral data acquisition and processing in the Arctic: a pilot study using the Hyspex imaging spectrometer for wetland mapping, Remote Sensing, 13 (8), 1178.
- Balazs, M.S., Prakash, A., and Wolken G., 2021, Quantifying changes in flood Deposits in an Alaskan fjord using multitemporal digital elevation models, Sensors, 21 (6), 1966.
- Womble, J.N., Williams, P.J., McNabb, R.W., Prakash, A., Gens, R., Sedinger, B., Acevedo, C., 2021, Harbor Seals as Sentinels of Ice Dynamics in Tidewater Glacier Fjords, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8:634541.
- Cristóbal, J., Gens R., and Prakash, A., 2021, Thermal remote sensing: Principles and applications in geohazards and resources monitoring. In Remote sensing applications to characterization of geohazards and natural resources, Springer, in print.
2016 to 2020
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Anderson, M. C., Kustas, W. P., Alfieri, J. G., and Gens, R., 2020, Surface Energy Flux Estimation in Two Boreal Settings in Alaska Using a Thermal-Based Remote Sensing Model. Remote Sensing, 12 (24), 4108-4131.
- Waigl, C.F., Prakash, A., Stuefer, M., Verbyla, D., and Dennison, P., 2019, Fire detection and temperature retrieval using EO-1 Hyperion data over selected Alaskan boreal forest fires, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 81, 72-84.
- Payne, C., Panda, S., and Prakash, A., 2018, Remote sensing of river erosion on the Colville River, North Slope Alaska. Remote Sensing, 10 (3), 397-416.
- Fraley, K.M., Falke, J.A., McPhee, M.V., and Prakash, A., 2018, Rainbow trout movement behavior and habitat occupancy are influenced by sex and Pacific salmon presence in an Alaska river system, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75 (4), 525-537.
- Cristóbal, J., Jimenez, J.C., Prakash, A., Mattar, C., Skokovic, D., and Sobrino, J.A., 2018, An improved single channel method to retrieved land surface temperature from Landsat-8 thermal band, Remote Sensing, 10 (3), 431.
- Schoen, E., Rinella, D., Wipfli M., Floyd, A., Grunblatt, J., McCarthy, M., Meyer, M., Prakash, A., Reimer, M., Stuefer, S., Toniolo, H., Trammel, J., Wells, B., and Witmer, F., 2017, Future of Pacific Salmon in the Face of Environmental Change: Lessons from One of the World's Remaining Productive Salmon Regions, Fisheries, 42 (10), 538-553.
- Waigl, C., Stuefer, M., Prakash, A., and Ichoku, C., 2017, Detecting high and low-intensity fires in Alaska using VIIRS I-band data: an improved operational approach for high latitudes, Remote Sensing of Environment, 199, 389-400.
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Anderson, M. C., Kustas, W.P., Euskirchen, E., and Kane, D.L., 2016, Estimation of surface energy fluxes in the Arctic tundra using the thermal-based two-source energy balance model, Hydrology and Earth System Science, 21, 1339-1358.
- McNabb, R.W., Womble, J.N., Prakash, A., Gens, R., and Haselwimmer, C., 2016, Quantification and Analysis of Icebergs in a Tidewater Glacier Fjord Using an Object-Based Approach, PLoS One, 11 (11).
- Cristóbal, J., Graham, P., Buchhorn, M., and Prakash, A., 2016, A new integrated high-latitude thermal and hyperspectral laboratory for characterization of land surface processes in Alaska's Arctic and boreal regions, Data, 1 (2) 13, 1-9.
- Brown, D.R.N., Jorgenson, M.T., Kielland, K., Verbyla, D.L., Prakash, A., and Koch, J.C., 2016, Landscape effects of wildfire on permafrost distribution in interior Alaska derived from remote sensing, Remote Sensing, 8 (8), 654.
- Starkenburg, D.P., Metzger, S., Fochesatto, G.J., Alfieri, J.G., Gens, R., Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., 2016, Assessment of de-spiking methods for turbulence data in micrometeorology, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 33 (9), 2001-2013.
2011 to 2015
- Trochim, E.D., Prakash A., Kane, D.L. and Romanovsky, V.E., 2015, Remote sensing of water tracks, Earth and Space Science, 3, 106-122.
- Trochim, E.D., Jorgenson, T., Prakash A. and Kane, D.L., 2015, Geomorphic and biophysical factors affecting water tracks in northern Alaska, Earth and Space Science, 3, 123-141.
- Starkenburg, D.P., Fochesatto, G.J., Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Gens, R., Iwata, H., Nagano, H., Harazono, Y., Alfieri, J.G. and Kane, D.L., 2015, Temperature regimes and turbulent heat fluxes across a heterogeneous canopy in an Alaskan boreal forest, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 120 (4), 1348-1360.
- Watson, I.M. and Prakash, A., 2015, Chapter 2 - Satellite systems and interactions. in Monitoring Volcanoes in the North Pacific: Observations from Space, edited by Dean, K.J. and Dehn, J., Springer and Praxis, pp. 27-47, ISBN: 978-3-540-24125-6.
- Prakash, A. and Kuenzer, C., 2015, Chapter 22 – Remote sensing based mapping and monitoring of coal fires. In Remote Sensing Handbook, Volume 3, Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban: Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping, edited by Thenkabail, P., CRC Press, pp. 561-577, ISBN 978-1482217919.
- Floyd, A., Prakash, A., Meyer, F., Gens, R., and Liljedahl, A., 2014, Applicability of Synthetic Aperture Radar to Investigate River Ice Breakup on the Kuparuk River, Northern Alaska, Arctic, 67 (4), 462-471.
- Pande, H., Garg, R.D., Sen, A.K. and Prakash, A., 2014, Chapter 9 – Impact of mining activities on the landuse and landcover of the Jharia Coalfield, India. In Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 3, Case studies, edited by Stracher, G.B, Prakash, A. and Sokol E.V., pp. 263-279, ISBN: 978-0444595096.
- Waigl, C., Prakash, A., Ferguson, A. and Stuefer, M., 2014, Chapter 24 – Delineating coal fire hazards in high latitude coal basins: A case study from interior Alaska. In Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 3, Case studies, edited by Stracher, G.B, Prakash, A. and Sokol E.V., pp. 633-649, ISBN: 978-0444595096
- Oommen, T., Baise, L.G., Gens, R., Prakash, A., and Gupta R.P., 2013, Documenting earthquake-induced liquefaction using satellite remote sensing image transformations, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 19 (4), 303-318.
- Starkenburg, D.P., Fochesatto, G.J., Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., Gens, R. and Kane, D.L., 2013, The role of coherent flow structures in the turbulent fluxes of an Alaskan boreal forest, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 118 (15), 8140-8155.
- Prakash, A. Gens, R., Prasad, S., Raju, A., and Gupta, R.P., 2013, Chapter 10 - Coal Fires in the Jharia Coalfield, India. in Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 2, Multimedia and Photo Tour, edited by Stracher, G.B, Prakash, A. and Sokol E.V., Elsevier, 546 p., ISBN-13: 978-0-444-59412-9.
- Haselwimmer, C. and Prakash, A., 2013, Chapter 22 - Thermal infrared remote sensing of geothermal systems. in Thermal Remote Sensing, edited by Kuenzer, C., Springer and Praxis, 554 p., ISBN: 978-9400766389.
- Raju, A., Gupta, R.P., and Prakash, A., 2013, Delineation of coalfield surface fires by thresholding Landsat TM-7 day-time image data, Geocarto, 28 (4), 343-363.
- Ekstrand, A.L., Webley, P.W., Garay, M.J., Dehn, J., Prakash, A., Nelson, D.L., Dean, K.G., and Steensen T., 2013, A Multi-Sensor Plume Height Analysis of the 2009 Redoubt Eruption, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 259, 170-184.
- Haselwimmer, C., Prakash, A., and Holdmann, G., 2013, Quantifying the heat flux and outflow rate of hot springs using airborne thermal imagery: case study from Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska. Remote Sensing of Environment, 136, 37-46.
- Engle, M., Radke, L.F, Heffern, E.L., O'Keefe J.M.K., Smeltzer C., Hower, J.M., Olea, R., Eatwell, R.J., Blake, D., Emsbo-Mattingly, S.D., Stout, S.A., Queen, G., Aggen, K.L., Kolker, A., Prakash, A., Henke, K.R., Stracher, G.B., Schroeder, P.A., and Román-Colón, Y. and ter Schure, A., 2012, Gas emissions, minerals, and tars associated with three coal fires, Powder River Basin, USA. Science of Total Environment, 420, 146-159.
- Green, J., Kongoli, C., Prakash, A., Sturm, M., Duguay, C., and Li, S., 2012, Quantifying the relationships between lake fraction, snow water equivalent and snow depth, and microwave brightness temperatures in arctic tundra landscapes, Remote Sensing of Environment 127, 329-340.
- Wirth, L., Rosenberger, A., Prakash, A., Gens, R., Margraf. J., and Hamazaki, T., 2012, A remote sensing/GIS-based approach to identify and model spawning habitat for fall chum salmon in a sub-arctic, glacially-fed river, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 141 (5), 1349-1363.
- Panda, S.K., Prakash, A., Jorgenson, M.T. and Solie, D.N., 2012, Application of multi-source remote sensing and field data to mapping permafrost distribution in Interior Alaska, GIScience and Remote Sensing, 49(3), 346-363.
- Woll, C., Prakash, A., and Sutton, T., 2011, A case-study of in-stream juvenile salmon habitat classification using decision-based fusion of multispectral aerial images. Applied Remote Sensing Journal 2(1), 37-46.
- Engle, M.A., Radke, L.F, Heffern E.L., O´Keefe, J., Smeltzer, C.D., Hower, J.C., Hower, J.M., Prakash, A., Kolker, A., Eatwell, R.J., ter Schure, A., Queen, G., Aggen, K.L., Stracher, G.B., Henke, K.R., Olea, R., and Rom�n-Col�n, Y., 2011, Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from coal fires using airborne and ground-based methods, International Journal of Coal Geology, 88(2-3), 147-15.
- Prakash, A., Schaefer, K., Witte, W.K., Collins, K., Gens R., and Goyette, M., 2011, Remote Sensing - GIS Based Investigation of a Boreal Forest Coal Fire. International Journal of Coal Geology, 86(1), 79-86.
- Prakash, A. and Gens, R., 2011, Chapter 14 - Remote sensing of coal fires. in Coal and peat fires: A global perspective, Volume 1, Coal - combustion and geology, edited by Stracher, G.B, Prakash, A. and Sokol, E.V., Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52858-2.
- Oommen, T., Misra, D., Prakash, A., Bandopadhyay S., Naidu, S., and Kelley, J.J., 2011, Multiple regressive pattern recognition technique: An adapted approach for improved georesource estimation. Natural Resources Research, 20(1), 11-24.
2006 to 2010
- Panda, S.K., Prakash, A., Solie, D.N., Romanovsky, V.E. and Jorgenson, M.T., 2010, Remote sensing and field-based mapping of permafrost distribution along the Alaska Highway corridor, Interior Alaska. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 21(3), 271-281.
- Yarker, M.B., PaiMazumder, D., Cahill, C.F., Dehn, J., Prakash, A., M�lders, N., 2010. Theoretical investigations on potential impacts of high-latitude volcanic emissions of heat, aerosols and water vapor and their interactions on clouds and precipitation. Open Atmospheric Science Journal, (4), 24-44.
- Wiltse, M., Prakash, A., Burns, L., 2009, Image analysis of airborne geophysical data from the Salcha river - Pogo area, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(S1), S56-S71.
- Quattrochi, D.A., Prakash, A., Eneva, M., Wright, R., Hall, D.K., Anderson, M., Kustas, W.P., Allen, R.G., Pagano, T., and Coolbaugh, M.F., 2009, Thermal remote sensing: Theory, sensors, and applications. in Manual of Remote Sensing 1.1: Earth Observing Platforms & Sensors, volume ed. Mark Jackson, ASPRS, 550 p. ISBN: 1-57083-086-X.
- Stracher, G.B., Finkelman R.B., Hower, J.C., Pone, D.N., Prakash, A., Blake, D.R., Schroeder, P.A., Emsbo-Mattingly S.D., and O'Keefe, J.M.K., 2009, Natural and anthropogenic coal fires. in Encyclopedia of Earth, topic editor Dogan, A.U, encyclopedia editor Cleveland, C.J., National Council for Science and the Environment.
- Kolker, A., Engle, M., Stracher, G., Hower, J.C., Prakash, A., Radke, L.F, ter Schure, A., and Heffern, E.L., 2009, Emissions from coal fires and their impact on the environment. US Geological Survey, Fact Sheet 2009–3084.
- Ledley, T.S., Prakash, A., Manduca, C., Fox, S., and DAWG members, 2008, Recommendations for making geoscience data accessible and usable in education. EOS, 89(32), 291.
- Smikrud, K., Prakash, A., and Nichols, J., 2008, Decision based fusion for improved fluvial landscape classification using digital aerial photographs and forward looking infrared images. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 74(7), 903-911.
- Oommen, T., Misra, D., Twarakavi, N.K., Prakash, A., Sahoo B.C., and Bandopadhyay S., 2008, An objective analysis of support vector machine based classification for remote sensing. Mathematical Geosciences, 40(4), 409-424.
- Connor, C., and Prakash, A., 2008, Experiential discoveries in geoscience education: The EDGE Program in Alaska. Journal of Geoscience Education, 56(2), 179-186.
- Berthelote, A.R., Prakash, A., and Dehn, J., 2008, An empirical function to estimate the depths of linear hot sources: Applied to the Kuhio Lava tube, Hawaii. Bulletin of Volcanology, 70 (7), 813-824.
- Oommen, T., Prakash, A., Misra, D., Naidu, S., Kelley, J.J., and Bandopadhyay S., 2008, GIS Based Marine Platinum Exploration, Goodnews Bay Region, Southwest Alaska, Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 26(1), 1-18.
- Prakash, A., and Berthelote A.R., 2007, Subsurface coal mine fires: Laboratory simulation, numerical modeling and depth estimation. Geological Society of America: Reviews in Engineering Geology, 18, 211-218.
- Prakash, A., 2006, Introducing Geoinformatics for Earth System Science Education. Journal of Geoscience Education, 54(5), 555-560.
- Smikrud, K. and Prakash, A., 2006, Detecting and monitoring large woody debris in a part of the Unuk river, Alaska, using digital aerial photography. GIScience and Remote Sensing, 43(2), 142-154.
1995 to 2005
- Stracher, G.B., Prakash, A., Schroeder, P., McCormack, J., Zhang, X.M., and van Dijk, P., 2005, New mineral occurrences and mineralization processes: Wuda coal-fire gas vents of Inner Mongolia. American Mineralogist, 90(11-12), 1729-1739.
- Parodi, G.N. and Prakash, A., 2004, Radiometric correction. in Principles of remote sensing: an introductory textbook (Third edition), edited by
N. Kerle, ITC Educational Textbook Series. 250p., ISBN: 90-6164-227-2.
- Zhang, J., Wagner, W., Prakash, A., Mehl, H. and Voigt, S., 2004, Detecting coal fires using remote sensing techniques. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 25(16), 3193 - 3220.
- Prakash, A., and Vekerdy Z., 2004, Design and implementation of a dedicated prototype GIS for coal fire investigations in North China: challenges met and lessons learnt. International Journal of Coal Geology, 59(1-2), 107-119.
- Prakash, A., 2001, Chapter 8 - Radiometric aspects. in Principles and Remote Sensing (2nd edition), edited by Janssen, L.L.F. and Huurneman, G.C.,
ITC Educational Textbook Series.
- Prakash, A., Fielding, E.J., Gens, R., Genderen, J.L. van and Evans, D.L., 2001, Data fusion for investigating land subsidence and coalfire hazards in a coal mining area. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22(6), 921-932.
- Prakash, A., Gens, R. and Vekerdy Z., 1999, Monitoring coal fires using multi-temporal night-time thermal images in a coalfield in North-west China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(14), 2883-2888.
- Prakash, A. and Gupta, R.P., 1999, Surface fires in Jharia Coalfield, India - their distribution and estimation of area and temperature from TM data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 20(10), 1935-1946.
- Gupta, R.P., and Prakash, A., 1998, Reflection aureoles associated with thermal anomalies due to subsurface mine fires in the Jharia Coalfield, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(14), 2619-2622.
- Prakash, A. and Gupta, R.P., 1998, Land-use mapping and change detection in a coal mining area - a case study of the Jharia Coalfield, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(3), 391-410.
- Prakash, A., Gupta, R.P. and Saraf, A.K., 1997, A Landsat TM based comparative study of surface and subsurface fires in the Jharia Coalfield, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 18(11), 2463-2469.
- Prakash, A., Saraf, A.K., Gupta, R.P., Dutta, M. and Sundaram, R.M., 1995, Surface thermal anomalies associated with underground fires in Jharia Coal Mine, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16(12), 2105-2109.
- Prakash, A., Sastry, R.G.S., Gupta, R.P. and Saraf, A.K., 1995, Estimating the depth of buried hot feature from thermal IR remote sensing data, a conceptual approach. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16(13), 2503-2510.
- Saraf, A.K., Prakash, A., Sengupta, S. and Gupta, R.P., 1995, Landsat TM data for estimating ground temperature and depth of subsurface coal fire in Jharia Coal Field, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 16(12), 2111-2124.
- Prakash, A., Gens, R., and McClung, S., 2007, Polar Remote Sensing: A resource for undergraduate education. Rated as 'Outstanding' by NASA Science Mission Directorate Education Product Review Panel (
- McCaffrey, M., Meier, W., Prakash, A., Rogan, B., and Youngman, B., 2007, Whither Arctic Sea Ice? Case Study Chapter in the Earth Exploration Toolbook. Passed NASA educational and DLESE community review (
- Prakash, A., Gens, R., and Gupta, A., 2006, Treasure Hunt in Alaska. A website for grades 4-5 school children reviewed and approved by NASA Science Mission Directorate Education Product Review Panel (
- Prakash, A., Nielsen, C., Gupta, A., and Gens, R., 2004, Alaska: A Bird's Eye View. A website for middle school children reviewed and approved by NASA Earth Science Enterprise Education Product Review Panel (