A Critical Component of the Alaskan Water Cycle and Climate Change
A Critical Component of the Alaskan Water Cycle and Climate Change
Preparatory Science for NASA's planned HyspIRI Mission
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Refereed journal papers | ![]() |
- Starkenburg, D.P., Fochesatto, G.J., Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., Gens, R., Alfieri, J.G., and Kane, D.L., 2015, Multiscale sensible heat fluxes above a heterogeneous canopy in an Alaskan black spruce boreal forest, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (in review).
- Starkenburg, D.,P., Fochesatto, G.J., Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Gens, R., Iwata, H., Nagano, H., Harazono, Y., Alfieri, J.G., and Kane, D.L., 2015, Temperature regimes and turbulent heat fluxes across a heterogeneous canopy in an Alaskan boreal forest, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 120 (4), 1348-1360, DOI: 10.1002/2014JD022338.
- Jiménez-Muñoz, J.C., Sobrino, J.A., Skoković, D., Mattar, C., Cristóbal, J., 2014, Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Methods From Landsat-8 Thermal InfraRed Sensor Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11 (10), 1840-1843, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2014.2312032.
- Pons X., Pesquer L., J. Cristóbal, O. González-Guerrero, 2014, An automatic and improved radiometric correction procedure for Landsat imagery through MODIS surface reflectance products, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 33, 243-254, DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2014.06.002.
- Starkenburg, D.,P., Fochesatto, G.J., Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., Gens, R., and Kane, D.L., 2013, The Role of Coherent Flow Structures in the Turbulent Fluxes of an Alaskan Boreal Forest, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere, 118, 8140-8155. DOI: 10.1002/jgrd.50625.
- Gruber, M., and Fochesatto, G.J., 2013, A New Sensitivity Analysis and Solution Method for Scintillometer Measurements of Area-Average Turbulent Fluxes, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 149(1). DOI: 10.1007/s10546-013-9835-9.
- Rowland, J.C., Jones, C.E., Altmann, G., Bryan, R., Crosby, B.T., Geernaert, G.L., Hinzman, L.D., Kane, D.L. Lawrence, D.M., Mancino, A., Marsh, P., McNamara, J.P., Romanovsky, V.E., Toniolo, H., Travis, B.J., Trochim, E., Wilson, C.J. (2010) Arctic landscapes in transition: Responses to thawing permafrost. EOS 91(26). 229-236. PDF of Article.
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Conference presentations and posters | ![]() |
- Graham, P., Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., 2015, Estimation of surface energy fluxes in Arctic ecosystems: integrating multiplatform remote sensing and field data. AWRA-AK Annual Conference and Workshops: Water Resource Remote Sensing Applications in Alaska, May 13-15, Fairbanks, AK. (poster)
- Cristóbal, J., and Prakash, A., 2015, Applications of Remote Sensing in Hydrology. AWRA-AK Annual Conference and Workshops: Water Resource Remote Sensing Applications in Alaska, May 13-15, Fairbanks, AK (invited presentation).
- Buchhorn, M., Prakash, A., Hampton, D., Cristóbal, J., Waigl, C., Stuefer, M., Kokaly, R.F., and Graham, P., 2015, HyLab: Alaska’s In-State Capability for Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy, 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), May 11-15, Berlin, Germany. (poster).
- Graham, P., Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., 2015, Integrating multiplatform remote sensing and field data to estimate energy fluxes under snow conditions in Arctic ecosystems. Education and Research Symposium, April 23-24, Fairbanks, Alaska (presentation).
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Graham, P., Anderson, M. C., Kustas, W.P., Kongoli, C., Hain, C., Euskirchen, E., and Toll, D., 215, Multitemporal estimation of surface energy fluxes in Alaska using the thermal-based two-source energy balance model: results in the Arctic Tundra. Education and Research Symposium, April 23-24, Fairbanks, Alaska (presentation).
- Starkenburg, D.P., Fochesatto, G.J., Prakash, A., Carsten-Conner, L.D., and Kontar, Y.Y., 2015, The Science Acceleration Strategy (SAS) for Research and Education, 95th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, January 4-8, Phoenix, Arizona. (presentation).
- Prakash, A., Buchhorn, M., Hampton, D., Waigl, C., and Cristóbal, J., 2014, HyLab: Building In-State Capabilities for Imaging Spectroscopy in Alaska. AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, CA. Abstract ID 30789. (poster).
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Anderson M. A., Kustas W. P., and Kane, D., 2014, Two-source energy balance model implementation in the Alaska Arctic tundra. AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, CA. Abstract ID 25955. (poster).
- Graham, P.R., Cristóbal, J., and Prakash, A., 2014, Hydrologic Modelling in Sub-Arctic Boreal Forests using Remote Sensing: An Enhanced Undergraduate Education Through Research. Arctic Science Conference, September 27–28, Fairbanks, Alaska. (poster).
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Starkenburg, D.,P., Fochesatto, G.J., Anderson, M., Kustas, W., Alfieri, J.G., Gens, R., and Kane, D.L., 2014, Calibration and validation of a two-source energy balance model to estimate surface energy fluxes in a sub-Arctic deciduous boreal forest. 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, September 22-26, Valencia, Spain. (poster).
- Prakash, A., and Cristóbal, J., 2014, The potential for hyperspectral imaging for vegetation (forestry) studies in southeast Alaska. UAF Remote Sensing Symposium, April 18, Fairbanks, Alaska. (presentation).
- Starkenburg, D. P., Fochesatto, G.J., Nagano, H., Harazono, H., Iwata, H., Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., and Kane D., 2013, Large Scale Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Boreal Forest of Interior Alaska, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 9-13, San Francisco, CA. (poster).
- Gens, R., Prakash, A., Balazs, M.S., Chittambakkam, A., Starkenburg, D.P., Waigl, C., Jones, E., Ozbay, G., Ferguson, A., Foster, K., Kluge, A., Sriharan, S., Cook, S., Stilson, K., 2013, A Prototype Two-tier Mentoring Program for Undergraduate Summer Interns from Minority-Serving Institutions at UAF, AGU Fall Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, CA. (poster).
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Starkenburg, D., Fochesatto, J., Anderson, M.A., Kustas, W.P., Alfieri, J.G., Gens R., and Kane, D., 2013, Implementation of a two-source energy balance model in a sub-Arctic deciduous boreal forest. AGU Fall meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, USA. (presentation).
- Fochesatto, G.J., Gruber, M.A., Cristóbal, J., Edgar, C., Kane, D.L., 2013, Spatial Scale Gaps of Turbulent Heat Fluxes in Arctic Tundra, AGU Fall meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, USA. (poster).
- Prakash, A., Haselwimmer, C.E., Hampton, D., Kampe, T., Roberts, D.A., Mueller, A., and Bachmann, M., 2013, UA HyLab: building capacity for airborne imaging spectroscopy supporting Alaskan and Arctic science and applications, and HyspIRI preparatory activities. HyspIRI Science and Applications Workshop, October 15-17, Pasadena, CA. (presentation).
- Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., Haselwimmer, C.E., and Hampton, D., 2013, Potential of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Mapping Permafrost Features and Associated Biophysical Variables. NRC Permafrost Workshop, October 9, Fairbanks, AK. (presentation).
- Starkenburg, D.P., Fochesatto, G.J., and Prakash A., 2013, The influence of low velocity winds and gravity waves on the detection and analysis of coherent structures in the Alaskan boreal forest, Alaska Weather Symposium, March 13, Fairbanks, AK. (presentation).
- Starkenburg, D.P., Riaouruen, W., Collingwood, W., and Fochesatto, G.J., 2013, The influence of large scale synoptic forcing in the winter surface turbulent fluxes at high altitudes during the Winter Boundary Layer Experiment, Alaska Weather Symposium, March 13, Fairbanks, AK. (presentation).
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Starkenburg, D.,P., Fochesatto, G.J., Anderson, M., Gens, R., Kane, D.L., Kustas, W., and Alfieri, J.G., 2012, Energy fluxes retrieval on an Alaskan Arctic and sub-Arctic vegetation by means MODIS imagery and the DTD method, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 3-7, San Francisco, California. Abstract no. H21H-1270. (poster).
- Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., Fochesatto, G.J., Starkenburg, D.,P., Kane, D.L., Gens, R., Alfieri, J.G., Irving, K., Anderson, M., and Kustas, W., 2012, Field-based ET calibration and validation sites in interior Alaska: Preparatory science for NASA's planned HyspIRI mission, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 3-7, San Francisco, California. Abstract no. H13F-1426. (poster).
- Starkenburg, D.,P., Fochesatto, G.J., Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Gens, R., and Kane, D.L., 2012, The contribution of coherent structures to the aggregation of large-scale heat fluxes in the Alaskan boreal forest, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 3-7, San Francisco, California. Abstract no. A13D-0251. (poster).
- Gens, R., Cristóbal, J., and Prakash, A., 2012, Integrating geospatial data and models for higher order product generation and visualization in open-source domain, AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 3-7, San Francisco, California. Abstract no. H13M-06. (presentation).
- Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., Fochesatto, G.J., Starkenburg, D.,P., Gens, R., Kane, D.L., Alfieri, J.G., Irving, K., Anderson, M., and Kustas, W., 2012, New evapotranspiration CalVal sites in interior Alaska: Preparatory science for NASA's planned HyspIRI mission, Fifth HyspIRI Science Workshop, Oct 16-18, Washington D.C. (invited talk).
- Trochim, E., Cristóbal, J., Mumm, J.P., Farnham, N.E., Prakash, A., Kane, D.L., 2012, Understanding Hydrological Characteristics of Surficial Drainage Networks: From plots to satellite data, Tenth International Conference on Permafrost, June 25-29, Salekhard, Russia. (presentation).
- Starkenburg, D., Fochesatto, J., Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., and Kane, D., 2012, The contribution of canopy flow decoupling on large area average turbulent heat fluxes, Alaska Alaska Space Grant Symposium, 3 May, UAF. (poster).
- Trochim, E., Jorgenson, T., Prakash, A., Kane, D.L., 2012, Remote Sensing of Drainage Networks in the Foothills of the Brooks Range., IPY 2012: From Knowledge to Action, April 22-27, Montréal, Canada. (presentation).
- Starkenburg, D., Fochesatto, J., Prakash, A., Cristóbal, J., and Kane, D., 2012, The contribution of canopy flow decoupling on large area average turbulent heat fluxes. Alaska Weather Symposium, March 13-14, UAF. (poster).
- Trochim, E., Cristóbal, J., Mumm, J.P., Farnham, N.E., Prakash, A., Kane, D.L., Seefeldt, S.S., 2012, Quantifying evapotranspiration: Upscaling from plots to Landsat in the Alaskan Arctic Foothills, AWRA Alaska Section Annual Conference, March 5-7, Juneau, Alaska.
- Cristóbal, J., Prakash, A., Fochesatto, J., Anderson, M.A., Kustas, W.P., Alfrieri, J., Gens, R. and Kane, D., 2012. Tundra energy fluxes retrieval on the Alaskan North Slope by means of Landsat and MODIS imagery and the TSEB method: Preliminary results. AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle., February 19 –22, Kona, Hawaii, Abstract No. EM-20. (poster).
- Cristóbal, J., Kustas, W. P., Anderson, M. C., Infante, J. M., Díaz-Delgado, R., 2012, Juniper tree actual evapotranspiration estimation by means of Landsat-5 TM imagery and the TSEB model in the Doñana Biological Reserve. AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle., February 19 –22, Kona, Hawaii. (poster).
- Mumm J., 2011, Fortuitous Evaporation Pan Observations and an Approach at Modeling Evapotranspiration on the Alaskan North Slope. INE Student Seminar Series, PDF of Abstract.
- Trochim E., Mumm, J.P., Farnham, N., Kane, D., and Prakash, A., 2010, Variations in Vegetation & Hydrology: Linkages to Evapotranspiration in the Alaskan Arctic. Eos Trans. AGU 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract no. H41B-1087.
- Trochim E., Prakash, A., and Farnham, N., 2010, Applying HyspIRI to Examine Changes in Soil Moisture and Plant Phenology in the Alaskan Arctic Foothills: A Conceptual Basin Representation. Third Annual HyspIRI Workshop, August 24-25, Pasadena, CA. PDF of Poster.
- Wyatt, C., Mumm, J., Trochim, E., Fochesatto, J., Prakash, A., Anderson, M., and Kane, D., 2009, An Integrated Multi-Scale Approach to the Study of Evapotranspiration on the Alaskan North Slope: Preliminary Characterization of Fluxes and Turbulence in the Imnavait Creek Basin. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41G-0980. PDF of Poster.
- Prakash, A., Anderson, M., Baise, L., Csaplovics, E., Fochesatto, J., Gens, R., Gupta, R.P., Kane, D., Mumm, J., Okkonen S.R., Oommen, T., Saha, A., Trochim, E., Wilson R., and Wyatt, C., 2009, HyspIRI Preparatory Science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Second HyspIRI Mission Science Workshop, Pasadena, CA, August 11-13. PDF of Poster.